Thursday, 3 January 2008

Heart HelpLine TV advert - coming to a surgery near you!

Our Heart HelpLine will be advertised in doctor's surgeries throughout the month of January. We want to encourage people to call the line so that we can help support them with their heart health concerns.

The ad shows a heart-shaped stress ball being squeezed by a hand to the sound of a heartbeat. Questions such as ‘Will my heart tablets have side effects?’ and ‘Who can I talk to about my Dad dying?’ are revealed at each beat.

Our cardiac nurses and information officers on the Heart HelpLine can provide you with the information that can help to support any medical advice that you have already received from your GP or consultant.

Call us on 08450 70 80 70 - lines are open 9am-5pm Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, and 8am-6pm Wednesdays and Thursdays (all calls charged at a local rate).

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