Tuesday 17 August 2010

Live chat with nurse Judy

Frances asks: “My 16 year old son had open heart surgery last month to replace aortic valve. As a result of heart block, he has now had a pacemaker fitted. Once everything is healed, and he is fully recovered, what is the maximum weight he can safely lift? The reason for asking is that he is looking at career choices and wouldn’t want to choose something physical if it could affect his health.”

Judy says:

I hope your son is making a good recovery from his open heart surgery and his pacemaker insertion. It’s hard to give you a definitive answer to your question as I don’t know his full medical background and the type of heart condition he has. If he has congenital heart disease, he should have a chat with his cardiologist about career choices. Some young people with complex congenital heart disease are encouraged not to do weight lifting but others with more simple congenital heart disease do not need to be so careful. I hope that your son’s cardiologist will be supportive and give you him the advice that he needs. I wish him luck with his health and his career choice.

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